Lit by Mummy xxxxx 13th February 2015
Hello Baby Girl, Mummy is going to Nanna Wendy's again this weekend because we are all going to Grandad and Nana June's wedding on Tuesday. Mummy is going to be Maid of Honour and wear a pretty dress. Ruby isn't a bridesmaid or anything but she does have a pretty dress to wear to which is in keeping with the colour scheme of the wedding, Mummy wanted to make sure she matched me for photographs! Daddy doesn't have a brown suit though unfortunately. There is chance that her dress may not fit her as she's growing so well!! We do have a couple of backups just in case though. I'll have to try it on her today before we go and pack them if it doesn't. Ruby had her first vaccinations last Wednesday, and they really upset her system poor thing. One of them was to protect her against a sickness and diorreahh bug but it was a live vaccine and gave her a tiny bout of it which have her terrible tummy ache and trapped wind :( She was so unsettled at night for a week, Mummy didn't get much sleep because as soon as she was laid down flat on her back she started writhing in pain and getting upset and she was up every couple of hours with it. Mummy learnt a baby massage technique on Wednesday at our Bumps to Babes playgroup which helps with wind and it seems to work unless it's just a coincidence, but that night Ruby slept for 8 hours before waking for a feed, and then another four and a half after that!! Last night she did well too, sleeping five and a half then three and a half hours, so she seems to be much better now thankfully. She's becoming more and more interactive now and tries to talk to us and smiles a lot which is wonderful, and Daddy is starting to really enjoy her because of that too. Daddy's can't really get involved with their babies until they start to interact as usually they don't really know what to do with a newborn! Once they start becoming a character of their own then Daddy's find it easier to get to know them, and Ruby is certainly a character! I can see she has the potential to run rings round Mummy, I'll have to be careful! When she smiles at me I could forgive her anything so I'll have to watch that too out she'll be getting away with murder! She's such a pretty little baby though, many people say she looks like a doll as she has a perfect little head shaped like a dolls and lovely hair and porcelain like features, but with olive skin, your baby Sister really is beautiful :) I talk to her about you all the time, Mummy and Daddy will always make sure she knows all about her 'Big Baby Sister', that's what I call you, because although you are her Big Sister, you are also still a baby and she is older than you! Many Mothers say that they wish they could keep their children babies, I am lucky because with you I get to do that. I like to believe you are and always will be the newborn baby girl I gave birth to, and the Angels in Heaven look after you for me until it is my turn to go, then I will join you in Heaven and they will hand you to me and I will get to be a Mummy all over again, and only then will you start to grow up. You see I think that must be why I lost you. I could never understand why someone like me who wanted her baby so so badly could lose her, it seemed too cruel. Now I think God must have taken you away because of how badly I wanted you, he knew I wanted children so much that I would need a baby in Heaven too, so that I would never have to stop being a Mummy even when I die. So he took you, my darling firstborn, to wait for me there. Mummy will never be afraid when it is my time, because I know I'll be coming to you. I don't know what made me just tell you that but I am missing you so maybe that's why. As I watch Ruby grow I miss you even more as I now get to see what I missed out on with you. Mummy loves you so so much Baby Girl, and I do miss you terribly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This candle went out on 14th March 2015.